Monday, November 7, 2011

Sink mold

Hurrrg, so it took me this long to notice that my posts are actually all time stamped in Pacific Standard Time. Normally, I wouldn't care (which is why I haven't noticed) but yeaaaaaaaah, I was trying to figure out if I had written a post for today or not and I looked and was like "...wait how could I write this post yesterday at 8 am about a concert I went to at 6pm?" CONUNDRUM.

Or well, not really. More like, TIME ZONES LOLS. Sigh. Well, I've got that fixed now, hopefully.


My house is really really old - almost as old as my school. When I first got here, they told me that it was either 40 years old, or that it was built in the 40's. Based on what I've seen, I'd totally believe that it was built in the 40's.

When I first got here, there was a ring of mold around the ceiling/walls of my shower/bath room at least a foot wide. Just lots of black spots that my predecessor had warned me about. He said that his girlfriend had an allergic reaction to the mold and couldn't stay there so they changed to a different apartment. Me, being stubborn, decided that I would try the place out after giving it a good cleaning.

I'm happy to say that the mold went away, after several rounds of vigorous cleaning. It hasn't really come back either (since I try to clean every so often, and when I see it BAM out comes the mold cleaner).

My sink though, my sink is a different beast completely. I clean that WAY more than I clean anything else. Like, I have a drain and a basket thing inside the drain with a net to catch the stuff that got through the grate thing that's on top of the basket with the net. The grate thing has the biggest holes, and catches everything larger than finely diced foods. The net catches the rest of that. I try to change the net once a week when I cook during the week, but sometimes if I don't cook (or don't do dishes for a week) I don't change it until the sink is empty. I clean the basket itself about once a month, and sometimes more often.

But that once a month... oh god, it's disgusting. I swear, tonight I cleaned it but I cleaned it the last time I changed the basket, which was two or three weeks ago? But I didn't cook at all last week soooo yeah. Mold was growing on the bottom of the basket and around the bottom of the drain and some of it was black while also part of it was kind of slimy.


I'm not entirely sure which will kill me first though- the mold in my house, or the stuff that I use to clean it. The cleaning agents here are ridiculously strong.

I meant to write about my school's culture festival preparations, but yeah, mold is kind of good at growing in places where it shouldn't be.

1 comment:

Tyrone Nold said...

Wow, I admire how organized you are with cleaning. Sometimes, though, the effort doesn’t guarantee you total mold eradication, especially if the problem is with the structure. I’m not saying you lie low with cleaning. On the contrary, I’m urging you to keep it up. :) I think the best thing to do is to talk to your landlord. I don’t think he wants to lose another tenant like the previous resident before you.