Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Wednesdays are my ridiculously busy days, but one of my most enjoyable ones. Usually anyways. All my first year classes are on wednesdays, and I usually really enjoy teaching my first year home economic girls. They're just so... energetic. All the time. But they're always alive so they're always pretty fun to teach. The others... sometimes they're kind of dead. Sigh.

After school though is cooking club. Normally, it makes me really happy to join cooking club; even after a bad day with cooking club (and food) things are okay.

So I dunno what was up with today. Maybe it had something to do with how my teacher said she had to stand in the back of class in order to discipline the kids - which I get, but it makes it really hard to attempt to do team teaching. She's been leaving a lot of things sometimes up to me... and sometimes she doesn't listen when I talk so I ended up repeating myself... three times in class today. Sigh. What're you going to do about it though. Nothing.

Today's recipe was butter corn and cheese in hamburg(er). Hamburg(er) (or hambagu) here in Japan is only the hamburger patty, no bun. No nothing. It's usually eaten with corn. When I heard that I was excited. But the girls who I'm on the cooking team with... one of them is an awesome second year, and one is a sweet girl who's a first year. The third girl... I don't know. I don't think she likes English. Or me. Sucks for her though.

The task they gave me was cooking the butter corn, which was hardly a task at all. You dump the corn into the buttered frying pan and add a pinch of salt and a shake or two of pepper. Then you warm the corn up. The end. Seriously it's ridiculously hard to screw up unless you're not paying attention and you burn all your corn. I'm probably making mountains out of molehills but it was like "seriously, you're going to give me THIS task?"

I felt like I was just the potwasher or something. I asked if I should mix the ingredients for the hamburger, and then they told me that they wanted to wait for the onions to finish... and then one of the girls ended up mixing the hamburger while the onions were cooling anyways. I was kind of like... arg. I might not be able to speak Japanese, but that doesn't mean I can't cook. For the love of christ, please give me something to do other than the dishes. I don't mind doing the dishes. But when that's all I'm doing... I don't care if I'm getting tasty food out of it, eventually it becomes kinda annoying if that's the only contribution I'm making, especially in a club about cooking food.


In class today we did analogies. I was under the impression that they had done similes as junior high school students, yet the review activity we had intended on doing for only a little bit of time ended up taking up most of the class. I'm not sure how. And for some of them, it was like they had never seen it, while others understood relatively okay.

I had a hard time explaining why, when we use "like" in our analogies, we don't normally use adjectives.

Consider a simile that is trying to convey "she is pretty"
She's like Marilyn Monroe.
...that's a proper simile... right? I feel like we would also say "she's like Marilyn Monroe - a timeless beauty." (would we?) The question though, is do we say:
She's pretty like Marilyn Monroe.
According to the example we had on the worksheet, and my initial response, I told my teacher no, and so she wanted to know why not. I told her that it was because that's the nature of a simile; you should be able to tell from the noun what she's like, otherwise it's not a very good analogy! Yet, I realized later that we do elaborate on the analogy after the noun sometimes, like "Life is like a box of chocolates: you never know which one you're going to get" or whatever. That doesn't mean it's a bad analogy per say, but I couldn't think of how to convey this. I guess I should say something like "sometimes you're not trying to only use an adjective to compare things"? Or, "that's what "" is there for?

I don't know though. Maybe most of this is just hot air I've been blowing.

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