Wednesday, November 23, 2011

I am kinda amused with our assignments for English camp. Today has been very uhhhh, how can we say it... informative? kind of day.

We got our group assignments, songs, and skit topics for English camp. We'll be performing in a skit as well as singing a song and helping out with other various duties.

That reminds me, I need to finish my cultural presentation and decide on my "cultural greeting." Ugh.

My group, apparently, is singing Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" which I am completely okay with. I actually really like that song. It's kind of funny though that out of everyone, I get the Lady Gaga song; at the last English camp in my group's skit, they had me play the role of Lady Gaga. I dunno what it is.

One of the guys has to sing Baby by Justin Beiber. I am so very very very amused with that, since I'm pretty sure he's one of the people who really doesn't like Beiber. Personally, I don't mind that song. Sure he sounds like a girl, but so what? Anime characters are voiced by women all the freaking time. Deal people. I'm not a huge fan of Beiber himself (way too young for my tastes) but honestly, Baby isn't that bad. It's kind of like Twilight; I'm really guarded about saying in public and around people that I like it because if I say something, the likelihood of provoking unwanted hating and bashing is high.

Also, I found out today (finally) who I'm teaching with for my demonstration lesson... next week. I'm teaching with my supervisor for the "Living English" class.... which I don't usually teach in because I can't normally go. So yeah. Yeahhhhhhhhh.

I guess I'm kind of excited to be able to go to a class where they want me to come. My teacher said they're always asking why I can't come, bless their souls. :) So I'm really excited about that, even if it isn't a class I normally teach.


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