So Takahashi is very very beautiful. It has a lot of green. The mountainsides (yeah, I have a mountain in my backyard) are densely packed with trees; so dense that the first time, I thought the trees were just really really short. THen I walked up to one and was like noooo these are tall trees.
Sorry to everyone on the email thing. I have something to send to people! But my list is on my computer at home, which does not have internet! I will find a way (hopefully soon) to send it to people. Cause yeah. It is kind of awesome. Pictures and everything.
I have not found a good way to upload pictures to the school computer yet. Hm, I do not know if I Can either. Everything on here is in Japanese... so yeaaah. I really cannot wait to get internet at home haha. So, please be patient on getting pictures from me, because I promise when I get internet at home, I will upload them. :)
Takahashi is a small city though, almost really, a town. It does have a train station, and a castle which is cool. But no internet cafes. Two large supermarkets/mini department stores. Kinda like someone squished a supermarket and a strip mall together into one building. One mcD's. Two 7-11. My town is kind of rural haha. And by kind of, I mean, is.
Even driving here feels a lot like I am driving through a Miyazaki movie, with the fields of rice and the mountain hills and the houses that dot the rice paddy landscape. Very scenic and pretty.
I have a bike too! I was super excited to get it, and promptly got lost the next day haha.
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