Thursday, September 16, 2010


Alright, I admit it, I'm a little homesick. And I mean sure, I miss people. Friends, family, food buddies. I'm well on my way through stage two right now in the Great Cycle of Culture Shock. I've learned about this cycle like... formally three times now. The Scholar Ship was probably the most thorough about it though.

In case you haven't had the talk, I mean, you probably know what culture shock is. Going into ANY new culture. And I mean any. Culture shock varies in degrees, and varies with each person of course, but it's a cycle. You have the honeymoon phase, where things are faaaaaaantastic. Most people go through this. Unlucky people don't, or have a super short one. Things are looking up.

Then comes the dreaded stage two. The most obvious part of the cycle. Things suck. Things go wrong. Things are frustrating. It's like PMSing on your period. You get tired of things. You're not as happy as you were before. Sometimes, you suck to be around.

Really though, it's like menopause. You have your good days, your bad days. No hot flashes though. Or it's like brainwaves. When you're measuring EEGs, and looking for waves, when you look at the big pattern, they look like curves and stuff. But, upon closer inspection, these hills and valleys are actually made up of smaller hills and valleys of their own. It's a rollercoaster. Just cause you're headed down doesn't mean you can't also go up for a little bit before going back down.

But anyways, I digress from what I wanted to write originally. I miss people, but most of all, I'm homesick for food.

I've been looking at pictures of food with every self intro I do, and menus, and oh my god, bacon food truck and bacon popcorn. I crave bacon popcorn. And hotdogs. Proper hotdogs. Or Costco hotdogs. I'm so hungry. Hotdogs and bacon just aren't the same over here. The bacon, while tasty, is limp. I'm a fan of crispy bacon. The hotdogs... aren't the same. Their casing is a little tough to chew through. I miss hotdogs. And garlic fries lol.

FOOOOOOOOOD. I wonder how it became to be such a big part of my life. I'm pretty sure I can say now, with certainty, that I am obsessed with food. Friends like Viv don't help either lol.


Aaron said...

I care so much more about food now than I ever did before I went to Japan... Go figure.

Seriously though, it's possible to manage pretty well, even though it doesn't seem like it right now. Find your local import grocery store (they exist! there were a couple in Sendai, which isn't tiny but isn't Tokyo either), buy yourself a toaster oven, and make your own tasty, tasty comfort food.

And you could buy some packaged foods online if you get *really* desperate. XD

Jess said...

The import stores are fantastic.

And I'm still debating about the oven thing... I don't have much space lol. >.<