Apparently, I failed at getting entries up while I had free internet in Hiroshima. Oops. Everyone was pretty wiped at the end of the day, and I spent my valuable time all on... you guessed it, facebook. Stupid stalking timesucker of a website.
I'm at my school right now, the one in the mountains, and I gotta say... it might have thundered and lightninged yesterday morning, but today is absolutely gorgeous. It's crisp, cool, and beautiful. My favorite kind of weather. It reminds me a lot of the bay. <3
I got to hang out with the high schoolers today. That was pretty fun, albiet a little on the boring side. I watched them make paper. I got a gift (hooray!). We ate lunch. I didn't drink my (whole) milk. I played wataiko and zenitaiko with the kids.
Zenitaiko is actually really interesting. It's a traditional type of performance taiko, except you're not actually hitting anything. All you're hitting are the sticks you're carrying, the ground, and sometimes yourself. My palms were sooo sore after that. But they're basically sticks that have 5 yen coins on the inside so that they shake, and you smack them together and rattle them and -coolest of all- flip them. Yeah I'm all sorts of awful with that.
It's fun talking to the teachers though. I'm learning more and more japanese words every day. I probably should uh, be more enthusiastic about teaching the kids English words, but I can't help but want to learn Japanese words for things while I'm here. I feel like we're doing more of a trade; I'll teach them the English word, they teach me the Japanese one.
I didn't expect this to bug me so much, but there's this one teacher who -swear to god- is always on the laptop at school. It's kiiiinda annoying because that's the one I want to use. And she is on it every single time I have a break. It's like arrrggg can't we share? I mean, I can go on some of the other ones, but that one is the least awkward to go on. I don't know if I'm in the way for these other ones, and sometimes I feel like I'm on the wrong computer, or like, the comptuer is really really really slow.
Last night I had a house party. :) that was pretty freaking sweet, but man, was there a lot to clean up after. THankfully, my friends are awesome and helped clean up. <3 the people I know!
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