Friday, July 23, 2010

One more day

...before I go up to NorCal via LA (and Disneyland - I'M SO EXCITED.) It feels like nothing is packed yet. I might be screwed. I'm so bad at planning right now, my mind is in a million and one places. I wanted to try to go up to LA a day early, but it's looking now like that might not happen. Raarrrg.

I have way more clothing than can fit in my suitcases for this trip. This is a problem. A very large problem. I think I will solve this by shipping a bunch of stuff over, but I don't know how to choose between sweatshirts. I mean, I'm basically going to send all of my cool/cold weather clothing over since all my summer and business clothing is taking up all my space in my luggage.

I am happy though, cause I have managed to throw away/get rid of/donate two whole bags of clothes. Yikes that's a lot of stuff. And I *still* have more. Amazing. The biggest space taker right now I think, are all the darn sweatshirts I have. But I can't bring myself to part with any of them.

My desk is not disassembled yet. o.o Crapperrrrrrrrrs. I still have all the furniture in my room. I should probably move some of it downstairs, or something. So that it looks like I'm more ready to move. I feel bad about cluttering up our downstairs though, since Steph is still here.

And I still have to clean! ARG.

I also got this envelope from the FBI. We're supposed to send it straight to the consulate, but I'm pretty sure that it has a paper telling me that my payment didn't go through and can I please send it again. Most frustrating experience ever. Well, no, that's a lie, maybe not the most, but it's really really annoying.

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