Sunday, May 13, 2012

In Defense of Pack Rats

Everytime someone comes over, it prompts a need for me to go into cleaning mode at my place, since let's face it, I'm kinda lazy so when there aren't social expectations from the outside making me clean my house, things tend to pile up and gather.

It's even worse when I'm packing or moving!

But yeah, as I was cleaning I came across so much old stuff that I had stored and saved up. The urge to go into hyper cleaning "throw everything away" mode rose within me. Being called a pack rat and a hoarder has such negative connotations; I still remember when a friend came over unexpectedly to my house to use the bathroom, which he turned into an invitation to take a look at my (post-social gathering) house. What he said still bothers me a little bit, though I'm not sure if he meant it intentionally or not. I think I wrote about this too, but as he was poking around, he made the comment that he, "always throws stuff away because he's not a pack rat."

I understand too, the appeal of not having that much stuff. Makes cleaning and organizing easier. Makes moving easier. Makes your house/space look larger. Not cluttered. Clean. Blah blah.

But! But but but. I mean, you can still keep stuff and be kinda organized about it. I'm... half organized. I'm not a neat freak, nor am I OCD but generally things have some kind of order (so when people help me clean, things get kinda mixed up ahaha)

Also, the entire reason why I keep these things is because my memory is pretty crappy. The odds of me actually recalling specific bits of memory - unless it's really quite memorable, like when I left my wallet on the bus in Tottori prefecture - are pretty low on its own. However, introduce something - a brochure, ticket, maps - and the thing serves as a kind of mental scaffolding I can use to dig deeper into the parts of my memory that like to remain hidden from me. The memory builds on itself as I remember another thing, which prompts another thing and another. It's amazing the amount of things I can remember that way! It's why I need to take things like notes or memos all the time, since otherwise, for some reason, my brain is quite bad at mental reminders. I guess that's also one of the reasons I write in this blog in the first place! To help me remember things.

I suppose all these things would probably go better in say... a scrapbook, (as far as looks and organization!) but I'm... kind of bad at getting those going. I don't know why either. I think I spend too much time reminiscing to get any actual work done haha.

...then again, there's also stuff here (especially anime/manga/game stuff!) that I have just because ohmigawd I need it. Hahaha. That I have no excuse for.

I also have no excuse for why I'm writing this. This is shameless procrastination from cleaning haha.

I suppose I should get back to throwing away stuff since I need to be moving out in less than three months now. Experience the here and now! All that stuff. Make memories that last. :)

Man, I really wish Pensieves were real! I WOULD SO BUY ONE. That would be super rad.

Maybe I'll just have to work at researching one haha. my East Asian Studies major. Ha!


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