Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Happy New Year! :D

It's been a while since the last post I made, but, I have a very good explanation of it, kind of. It's funny, because I haven't actually had any classes to prep for or do since classes finished pretty early for the winter vacation, and I don't teach any extras over the break. Yet, I've managed to find ways to keep busy (most of which, generally, aren't facebook, though, I will admit, I've spent probably more time than I should at work on facebook!). I've studied up on my Japanese, and I've been reading and also studying for the GRE. I haven't signed up for a test date yet, but I will soon. I need to buy an up to date version of the GRE book. >_< Of course, it's going to be slightly out of date soon with the if my scores aren't very good.

Oh yeah, btw to anyone who's applying to grad school, they're changing the test to a different format. It's freaking out a of people, but I'm not super worried about it. I'm just worried about the test itself in the first place! lol.

My new years resolutions of this year? a. Eat better and try to balance cooking and eating out. Save money, but also set some aside to travel with. I'm thinking 50/50 on that one. :)
Also, I want to try to write in this more often (and keep up the once a month newsletters). Exciting things might not, or rather, will not, happen everyday, but I'll try to write more about pictures and stuff. ^_^ that should be fun. I have a whole ton of pictures.

Over the winter break, I didn't have very many days off. The winter break holiday in Japan is the 29th through the 3rd; anything else and you have to take days off. Otherwise you sit in the teacher's room (or office if you're a municipal JET, aka elementary/middle school JET and you work out of your board of education versus JETs like me who are prefectural JETs. In our prefecture anyways, because we're prefecture JETs, our Board of Education (BOE) is located kinda far away so we work out of our base schools).

However, I did manage to make the most of it. :) We visited Kyoto, Osaka, stayed in a capsule hotel, and I went up to Chigasaki (near Yokohama & Tokyo) for a bit and stayed up there for new years. It was pretty awesome. I'll write about that and Tomo no ura in the future, but I should prooooobably go to bed lol.

After all, I'll have a bunch of free time on my hands tomorrow.

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