Friday, June 1, 2012

Mmhm, yes, ah I see

One thing you notice when you listen to Japanese people speak in Japanese is that there are lots of verbal nods - words like uh-huh, mm-Hm, oh really, I see - that indicate to the other person you're listening and paying attention. Perhaps it's due to fact that as a beginner at the language, these oft repeated words catch our attention more often and we come to recognize them. However, Japanese people, I've noticed, will do this in English as well (and it's not just the women).

Today I had a conversation with one of the JTEs at my school. I was explaining why I had made edits and changes and stuff to the thing I had been asked to correct. He nodded, said uh-huh and "Ah I see" and generally sounded like he understood all of what I said until we reached the end. He was sorry, he said, but he didn't understand my explanation of this one section (that he had said "naruhodo!" or, "ahh I got it!" to). I mean of course, I explained it again, but I thought it was curious that he hadn't brought it up earlier.

He's not the only instance this has happened to me either. M conversations typically look something like this:
Me: so about the day I'm leaving, I have to decide by today right?
JTE: yes
Me: I was thinking about flying out of narita since I came in there...
JTe: Ah I see
Me: and flying in to San Francisco
JTE: yes
Me: On August 25th...
JTE: I see
Me: even though it's a bit later than I thought it was going to be
JTe: I see
Me: so is there anything you want me to do before I leave?
JTe: Hm? When are you leaving?

It's like Ken's Dating Advice: Learn How To Listen sometimes!

To be completely fair though, I do the same thing in Japanese sometimes if I'm pretty sure they don't expect a reply out of me and they don't speak English and they're speaking too quickly or using too many words I don't know.

Oh yeah though, at reminds me. I've picked a date for my departure from Japan! I'll be returning to California on August 25th. Waaaaay later than I initially thought, but I really want to see Perfume at Summer Sonic, and then Rurouni Kenshin comes out on the 25th. Yes, I'm staying an extra five days so I can see a movie that doesn't have an American release (yet...?) without subtitles (ahahaaaaa). It'll be fun I hope hahaha.

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