Tuesday, July 30, 2013


It has finally happened. Japan has broken me of my deep fear and extreme dislike of spiders (but not other insects). (Or maybe other insects a tiny bit).

There was a spider in the bathroom, and while they're actually kind of small (compared to Japanese spiders) (though by my old standards it was still kind of large for a spider, like at least as big as my thumbnail) I did something I never thought I'd do in a million years.

I was actually able to trap it under a cup (which got washed very thoroughly afterwards). I got as far as sliding a piece of paper underneath the cup, but when it came to actually removing it from the floor...

yeah, I kind of failed at that. Still haven't gotten over the whole idea of being able to feel the spider through the paper. Maybe if the paper I had used was a) not flimsy and b) thicker -- like cardboard or something, or poster paper -- maybe then I could have been able to actually pick it up and take it outside to set it free (and then run away screaming).

Instead I messaged a friend who happened to be home, and he was nice enough to come over and take the trapped spider and dump it outside. I felt kind of silly having gotten that far, but hey, progress is progress right...? I never would have been able to do that. The thought occurred to me after that I should have taken a picture, cause I'm pretty sure my family won't actually believe that I was able to do something like that without picture proof.

My nails are this kind of... gaudy almost blue color that reminds me of Sailor Mercury. They're sparkly and make me feel like I'm 15 or something. Also like thrusting my hand in the air and screaming "MERCURY STAR POWERRRRR"

Really though, they're that color so that I don't go on a stress-induced rage and destroy my nails completely since I've kind of done that in the past, especially when close to tests and stuff. I always cut them way too short. This was the only nail polish I had that (probably) looks okay by themselves. Everything else I have needs both a base color and then a topcoat color/shatter thing/sparkle thing/etc. So this was just the option that took the least amount of time. Anyways, enough about nails.

There are two posts I want to make in the future when I don't have a test the next day or things due. One of them is a short one on stickers. The other is on the crazy (awesome) weekend I had this last weekend in July (with a conspicuous lack of studying). But since I have a test tomorrow, that shall have to wait. But this is a mental promise to myself to actually write about those things when I have more time stop procrastinating start using my time more effectively.

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