Thursday, September 22, 2011

Silver Week

So I got of work and completely forgot that this weekend was the second of two back to back three day weekends that we have in September. And not back to back in the friday through sun followed by another friday to sunday. No. This is sat-sun-mon with a fri-sat-sun following, so basically we only had three days of work this week. It was fabulous.

This week, in light of the two-day-work week in the spring called "Golden Week," is called "Silver Week" since it's one day shy of the golden two day work week (though seriously, at that point why would you go in to work or school for one or two days?) These weeks are ridiculously popular for traveling and taking off during the few work days that people still have. At least, among foreigners. And despite the fact that it's kind of frowned upon to take off work while you still technically have class, especially since a lot of Japanese teachers hardly use their vacation days in the first place.

So needless to say, I did not take the week off, and I went in to work, and then forgot about this three day weekend when I got off work. I mean, I have plans over the weekend and stuff, but it didn't feel like a three day. Last weekend I went to Tokyo, so I'm kinda... broke now.

And next payday is not until the 15th. We have *another* three day weekend in October (the 8-10). I just realized this today. I think there's a good chance I'm going to be ridiculously broke. I mean, I set aside money for savings and I'm saving up for a trip to Okinawa and back home, but ouch. Ouch.

Oh, and it was also just brought to my attention that my payday is on a saturday, and that that weekend there's a pottery festival in Bizen where they sell amazing ceramic work for cheaper than usual. Oh, and also the weekend prior, the other three day, is the Sake festival in Hiroshima as well as the Momotaro festival in Okayama. Hooray! THIS MONTH IS TRYING TO BANKRUPT ME AND WIPE OUT MY SAVINGS. Seriously. No wonder I didn't save any money during this time last year. This, on top of having to outfit my place? Yikes. Although, that's probably where all the money I'm setting aside went.

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